RE: Dublin Core and multiple element concern

Pat Hayes asked:

> What would rdf:value mean if it wasnt 
> pointing to a literal? For example what relationship between _:x and 
> _:y would this state:
> _:x rdf:value _:y .
> _:y rdf:value "10" .

To bring back an example from olden times,
you need one more statement:

   <document> <dc:subject> _:x

and the interpretation is that

   <document> <dc:subject> "10"

is the most acceptable loss of information if one must
simplify (perhaps radically) the model for some reason
and one has no application-specific knowledge of what
to keep and what to delete.

So, to answer your question,
  _:x rdf:value "10"
is the abbreviation of your model above that best preserves
its intent. It would still be the best if _:x had started with
10k other properties.

Search for 'dumb-down rule' on Google for metadata specs
where this convention has been used.

Assumed constraints are that there should only be one
rdf:value from a node. Assumption is that the chain of
rdf:values ends in a string. If the <document> has
multiple <dc:subject> properties, they SHOULD all have
different strings at the end of the rdf:value chains.


Received on Thursday, 7 February 2002 12:17:34 UTC