Re: The Cannes Entailment [was: Coming to grips with the entailment put forth by Jeremy]

>On 2002-04-29 10:40, "ext"
><> wrote:
>>  [...]
>>>  There is an alternate way to fix this by rule without introducing
>>>  any variant properties.
>>  no, please see argument
>>  and correct with   eg:age rdfd:datatype xsd:number .
>The problem with owl:UniqueProperty exists regardless of the
>proposed closure rule.
>If you have both
>    Jenny ex:age "10" .
>    Jenny ex:age _:x .
>    _:x xsd:integer "10" .
>in the same graph, you will still get the conflict with
>    ex:age a owl:UniqueProperty .
>since "10" will denote the literal and _:x will denote
>the datatype value.

Correct. Actually, the strict RDF+OWL conclusion here would be that 
10="10", which presumably would be ruled out by the datatyping 

>This is a fundamental incompatability with the coexistence
>of the inline and bnode based idioms and owl:UniqueProperty,

Well, lets not overstate the case. Obviously it is inconsistent to 
say both that a property is a UniqueProperty, and also that it has 
several distinct values for a given subject. However, I don't see 
that as being a 'fundamental incompatibility' or evidence of any kind 
of 'problem' (except maybe in the mind of whoever made those 


>and may even be construed as evidence of a problem with
>literals always denoting themselves...
>Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
>Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
>Nokia Research Center         Email:

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Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2002 13:03:25 UTC