Re: The Cannes Entailment [was: Coming to grips with the entailment put forth by Jeremy]

> We build a rule mechanism, as in the know fix, into RDF.  I think Jos has
> claimed that he has proved something similar, if not the same as this,
> works. No one I have suggested this to has like it, usually for different
> reasons.

yes, that would be something like

  { :rule3a . ?p rdfd:dcrange ?d . ?p rdfd:valueProp ?q . ?s ?p ?o }
          { ?s ?q [ :f ( ?p ?d ?q ?s ?o ) ] } .

  { :rule3b . ?p rdfd:dcrange ?d . ?p rdfd:valueProp ?q . ?s ?p ?o }
          { [ :f ( ?p ?d ?q ?s ?o ) ] ?d ?o } .


Received on Sunday, 28 April 2002 17:51:50 UTC