Re: addressing requirements around daml:collection (rdfms-seq-representation)


>[To Jos:]
>Shouldnt there be slashes in all these examples, eg shouldnt rule 11b be:
>{ :rule11b . ( ?a / ?b ) :append ?c } log:implies { ( ( ?x / ?a )
>/?b ) :append ( ?x / ?c ) } .
>(If not, please explain the syntax a bit more.)

( :a :b ) is shorthand for  _:x rdf:type owl:List .
                            _:x owl:first :a .
                            _:x owl:rest _:y .
                            _:y rdf:type owl:List .
                            _:y owl:first :b .
                            _:y owl:rest owl:nil .

( :a / :b ) is shorthand for  _:x rdf:type owl:List .
                              _:x owl:first :a .
                              _:x owl:rest :b .

so in

  { :rule11b . ( ?a ?b ) :append ?c }
  { ( ( ?x / ?a ) ?b ) :append ( ?x / ?c ) } .

the subject of :append is a list of 2 lists and
the object is (the appended) list

>I don't follow what kind of assertion append: is supposed to be
>making here. (I thought append was a function...maybe I'm stuck in
>LISP, or something?)

well ( :a / :b ) is like LISP's ( cons :a :b ) or PROLOG's [ :a | :b ]
and we've kind of (mis)used the verb :append as a binary relation

>( ( ?x / ?a ) ?b ) is a list whose first is (another) list, is that right??

that's right Pat

>>{ :rule12a } log:implies { ( ?a ( ?a / ?c ) ) :remove ?c } .
>>{ :rule12b . ( ?a ?b ) :remove ?c } log:implies { ( ?a ( ?x / ?b ) )
>>:remove ( ?x / ?c ) } .
>?? How does that 'remove' work, exactly??

the subject of :remove is a list of an item-to-be-removed and a list,
the object is the list-with-item-removed
it only removes the first occurrence of the item in the list
it is supporting the declaration of :sameBagAs
e.g. to find out that ( :a :a :b ) :sameBagAs ( :b :a :a )

    <> .
    <> .
    <> } log:implies
    {( :a ( :a :a)) :remove ( :a)}} log:implies
  {( :a ( :b :a :a)) :remove ( :b :a)}.
    <> .
    <> .
    <> } log:implies
      {( :a ( :a)) :remove ( )}} log:implies
    {( :a ( :b :a)) :remove ( :b)}.
    <> .
    <> } log:implies
      {( :b ( :b)) :remove ( )}.
    <> } log:implies
      {( ) :sameBagAs ( )}} log:implies
    {( :b) :sameBagAs ( :b)}} log:implies
  {( :a :b) :sameBagAs ( :b :a)}} log:implies
{( :a :a :b) :sameBagAs ( :b :a :a)}.


Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 06:09:59 UTC