Re: rdfs-constraining-containers, rdfs-container-membership-superProperty

At 15:42 11/04/2002 +0200, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>I suggest we resolve the rdfs-container-membership-superProperty by defining
>e.g. rdfs:contains
>I suggest we then declare rdfs-constraining-containers as out of scope on
>the basis that it can be addressed by DAML+OIL. All indications are that OWL
>will contrinue to address this issue.
>The DAML+OIL mantra is:
><daml:Restriction rdf:ID="ConstrainedContainer">
>   <rdfs:comment>
>     This is the class of resources all of
>     whose rdfs:contains edges point to a
>     resource of type eg:ElementsConstrainedToThisClass.
>     To have a Bag, a Seq or an Alt with such a constrained
>     declare the resource to have both type Bag and type
>     ConstrainedContainer.
>     Alternatively construct a new class that subclasses both
>     this class and the desired container class.
>   </rdfs:comment>
>   <daml:onProperty
>   <daml:toClass

Brilliant; thanks Jeremy then I think we can close this with a clear 



Received on Thursday, 11 April 2002 10:05:51 UTC