Re: xml:base and rdf:parseType="Literal"

>>>Brian McBride said:
> Jeremy,

Well, you addressed this to the group

> I came across this in some RDF Stuart has written:
> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
>                   xml:base="http://example/org/base/">
>    <rdf:value rdf:parseType="Literal">
>      <a href="foo">link</a>
>    </rdf:value>
> </rdf:Description>
> I wasn't sure whether the xml:base had any effect on the href.



1) xml:base applies only to fields that contain URIs that XML
   applications (RDF/XML here) know about.  RDF/XML doesn't do that
   inside parsetype literal content.

2) the <a> has no namespace.  
   RDF/XML doesn't apply to non-namespaced elements anywhere

3) X/HTML don't use xml:base so even if it was an X/HTML fragment
   and element, it wouldn't apply.


Received on Monday, 8 April 2002 06:43:56 UTC