Re: 2001-09-07#5 Literals

At 09:40 AM 9/26/01 -0400, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>Future versions of RDF may migrate to a more general mechanism for
>literal representation in which the current representation would be
>embedded. One candidate is that an RDF literal would be a pair
>of a unicode string and a URI reference. The current literals would
>be embedded within this new representation using a well-known URI
>as a base for all language tag URIs.

Just for interest, here's a proposal for representing language tags in URI 

Currently, it has no official status, but I plan to request RFC publication 
if and when Michael Mealling's related URN draft is published:


Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2001 10:59:19 UTC