Re: model theory publication draft

>  >>>Pat Hayes said:
>>  Dave said:
>>  >4. RDFS Interpretations
>>  >
>>  >6th paragraph:
>>  >         "The subsets referred to in subPropertyOf are sets of pairs."
>>  >and subsets in subClassOf?
>>  Er .... subsets? The point of the remark was just to remind
>>  nonmathematical readers that a relational extension is a set of
>>  pairs, so a subrelation is a subset. If it's confusing, maybe it
>>  would be best omitted.
>My point was, is it only the subsets in subPropertyOf that are sets
>of pairs?  Answer: yes?

Oh, I see. Yes.

>  The subsets refered to in the subClassOf
>defn. and elsewhere are not.

Well, they might be sets of anything, in fact, including pairs as 
well as grapefruit, say, but that's not really to the point.

I will try to make this all clear. Maybe it would be best to just 
leave this sentence out, it seems to be causing more grief than it is 

>>  >   A reference section in W3 style
>>  Oh, whoops, I forgot that. (Though isn't a bit passČ to have a
>>  references section in hypertext? Seems a bit like putting a
>>  whip-caddy on a horseless carriage. Oh well, go with the flow. )
>>  >and [CITE] for RDF M&S, RDFS,
>>  >   Test-Cases, N-Triples section in test-cases, anything else.  Maybe
>>  >   normative, non-normative ones if they help.
>>  I don't follow this last point, I'm afraid.
>The two sets of references could be (this is just a suggestion)
>1) Normative - documents you cite upon which this document depends
>    for definitions, refers to directly in the text such as RDFM&S,
>    RDFS and Test-cases etc.   This section is stuff that must be read
>    and understood in order to read the document.
>2) Informative (or non-normative) - other documents.
>    Here you could pointers to related work, theoretical basis, primers
>    etc.  This is all optional, and up to you if you have stuff that
>    goes here.

I suspect that there will be so few references that this will be overkill.


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Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 18:16:32 UTC