Re: Agenda for RDFCore WG Telecon 2001-09-21

Since I won't be able to attend, here are my comments on these items (where 
I have any):

At 04:09 PM 9/20/01 +0100, wrote:
>5: Review Minutes of previous meeting

OK to me.

>6: Confirm Status of Completed Actions
>ACTION: 2001-08-02#12 Jan Grant
>Post message to list about how EASEL uses datatypes.
>ACTION: 2001-08-31#2 Frank Manola
>chase Sergei for his reaction to this proposed resolution to issue 
>rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf when he returns (or shortly thereafter
>ACTION: 2001-09-07#2 Pat Hayes
>The publication candidate draft to be clearly signalled to the WG
>ACTION: 2001-09-07#6 Bill dehOra
>Prepare a proposal for namespace qualification values of rdf:parseType 
>attributes upon which the group can make a decision.
>ACTION: 2001-09-14#1 Art Barstow
>announce testcases wd to rdf interest and rdf logic mailing lists

Yes.  (BTW, I would find it would be useful if this agendum could include 
URIs to the relevant completion items;  mostly to the a mailing list 
archive message indicating the completion noted.)

>7: Issue: rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf Frank Manola
>Proposal: to resolve issue rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf by allowing cycles
>of subClassOf properties.  The meaning of a cycle of subClassOf
>properties being an assertion that the classes involved have the same
>members.  A more formal specification of the meaning will be given
>in the model theory.
>Proposal: to approve the test case given in:

Looks OK to me (on cursory review).

>Question:  What about subPropertyOf?

My comment:
Pat's response:

>8: Model Theory WD
>Propose: Authorize publication of the Model theory WD at:

I'm happy to see this published, modulo Pat being happy that it is ready.

>9: Review progress with primer sub-group
>10: Review progress on Schema WD
>When can we have a publication candidate?
>11: Propose: approve test case given in

I agree both parts of Jeremy's message.

>12: Test cases that don't fit the RDF/XML to

I think it's a good idea;  I don't currently have a view on how best to do it.


Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 14:01:23 UTC