Re: rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf [was: Current Action List ...]

Agreed.  In particular, the test case adds some important information
beyond the literal wording of the motion I proposed.  Consider the
motion amended to say something like "to resolve issue
rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf by allowing cycles of subClassOf
properties, with the meaning of a cycle of subClassOf properties being
an assertion that the classes involved have the same members."


Dan Connolly wrote:
> [this isn't about the action list, so I changed the subject]
> Frank Manola wrote:
> >
> > Here's a proposal (or motion) wording: "to resolve issue
> > rdfs-no-cycles-in-subClassOf by allowing cycles of subClassOf
> > properties".  [If someone wants to further wordsmith that they are
> > welcome to.]
> I'd like test cases to be part of the decision record.
> Hmm... I thought we had some, but the ones I'm
> thinking of are for domain/range.
> I suppose I can cook one up...
> Here's the gist of it:
> ========
> @prefix u: <>.
> @prefix :
> <>.
> :A u:subClassOf :B.
> :B u:subClassOf :A.
> :X u:subClassOf :X. # tautology
> ========
> Formally, it's in RDF/xml and RDF/ntriples:
> For fun, here it is in KIF:
>   [see]
> (prefix-kludge "u" "")
> (prefix-kludge ""
> "")
>     (and
>      (u:subClassOf :A :B )
>      (u:subClassOf :B :A )
>      (u:subClassOf :X :X )
>     )
> >  Given that I need to leave early, it would help if we
> > could get to this during the first half of the hour (hopefully Sergey
> > will be online as well).
> --
> Dan Connolly, W3C

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-8752

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2001 13:13:09 UTC