Re: ACTION 2001-08-24#9 : issues with containers

At 08:56 AM 9/4/01 +0200, Martyn Horner wrote:
> >  (and #112)
> > "Here, any one of the items listed in the container value for
> > DistributionSite is an acceptable value without regard to the other
> > items."
> >
> > In other words, the Alt-collection itself isn't really being considered
> > the value of the property; the members of the Alt are being considered
> > so instead.*
> >
>Funny, I'd always read the bag example as `each and every member is a
>student in course 6.001' - that is, the property is distributed over the
>members of the set - not applied to the set. Therefore `alt' is a
>different distribution: there certainly isn't a whole-set/members
>difference between bag and alt - in my mind. Typically, the semantics of
>the properties used are intended for the individual: the use of a
>collection just simplifies the expression. Where does the set
>interpretation come from?

See also:, et seq.  (section 3.5)


Graham Klyne                    Baltimore Technologies
Strategic Research              Content Security Group
<>    <>

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2001 14:49:38 UTC