Re: Closing rdfms-difference-between-ID-and-about

>At 11:18 PM 10/23/01 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
>>>Can we extend the notion of a tidy graph so that it removes 
>>>duplicate statements.  Any untidy graph has an equivalent tidy 
>>>graph, and the model theory is defined in terms of that.
>>Yes, we can do that. Everyone go on that?
>I think so, but a fleeting worry about literals crossed my mind:
>    ex:subj ex:prop "lit" .
>    ex:subj ex:prop "lit" .
>I can't see any actual problem here, but at some stage there seemed 
>to be this idea that different instances of a literal were distinct 
>things in the abstract syntax;  e.g. so that things like:
>    ex:shoe shoe:size "10" .
>    ex:shoe shoe:label "10" .
>could be interpreted appropriately.
>Just checking.

Yes, good point. However I think that the only way that two tokens of 
a  literal could possibly need to be distinguished would be if they 
were somewhere, somehow, included in two different triples, in any 
datatyping scheme.  Otherwise you could co-data-type them without 
causing any contradictions with anything else. So this would be safe 
even in this case.


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Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2001 18:37:11 UTC