Re: 2001-09-07#5 Literals (use cases/test inputs, please?)

Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> While that isn't perfect, I believe xml:lang is used by RDF users and there
> is no critical problem with it.

Would you please elaborate on that? i.e. please give an
example (or several examples) of how RDF users use xml:lang,
and what software they use to process it according to
their expecatations?

All of my attempts to deal with xml:lang have run into critical

For example, I tried to do a visualization of the RDF schema
for RDF, using cwm, and I couldn't find a way to get it
to filter the french labels from the english labels... because
the xml:lang information isn't in triple form.

I'm starting to think this is worth changing the charter over:
if the xml:lang stuff is to be significant, it must be
in triple form.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 19 October 2001 11:22:11 UTC