Re: SYNTAX: RDF/XML Syntax WD work (editorial)

I have had a look over revision 1.67 and wanted to make a few points
about the syntactic rules.

Left-to-right priority A | B | ...

In the one case where I think you're relying on this, it doesn't work.
I suggest dropping it; such procedural readings are usually asking for

I'll give an example of how it doesn't work and then give two different
solutions (that do? ;) ).

e.g. (without namespaces)

      <rdf:value rdf:parseType="Resource">String</rdf:value>

The propertyElt '<rdf:value rdf:parseType="Resource">String</rdf:value>'
does match parseTypeOtherPropertyElt and does not match

It makes no difference that parseTypeResourcePropertyElt comes first, it
doesn't match.

Solution 1 (my preference)
  Drop parseTypeOther altogether.
  It won't make any difference in practice to what implementations do. 
  It is not the job of a spec to specify how implementations should
handle bad input unless it specifically gives future compatibility. I do
not believe that specifying rdf:parseType="foo bar" gives that.

Solution 2 (probably also helpful anyway)

  Text like:

  "The productions propertyAttr and parseOther which match attributes
with arbitrary values (CDATA) do not match any attribute which is more
specifically matched by any other production in the grammar."

I note that without this text the perverted could have a reading of
emptyNode matching

<rdf:Description rdf:ID="foo" rdf:about="#bar" rdf:aboutEach="#fooBar"

where we have one specific attribute (I don't know which one) and two
That is deliberately misreading the spec. and I don't think it's

Merging of empty property elt productions

It is unclear which way we're going with triple production.
If we leave it completely out of a schema which specifies legal RDF/XML
then the three productions emptyPropertyElt,
emptyParseTypeLiteralPropertyElt and emptyParseTypeResourcePropertyElt
can be merged into:


parseType=Resource of course does produce rather different triples ...


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2001 06:05:47 UTC