Re: Resolution of: #rdfms-identity-anon-resources

>>>Pat Hayes said:
> >
> >A sentence like yours above (but of course more normative) should be
> >included in the spec somewhere. After all, people want (and will try) to
> >exchange arbitrary graphs. Do you think it is off charter to include a
> >new attribute like "localID" in the RDF/XML syntax to make it as
> >powerful as the underlying graph model?
> I'd say it was (off charter), but it would be fun to try doing it in 
> any case :-)

I also consider this beyond our charter - the phrase "new attribute"
is an indicator.  It does hint at requirements for future syntaxes,
but it is best to get the work on the current one totally completed


Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2001 00:53:09 UTC