Re: after-hours conversation (#literal-as-resources #literal-is-xml-structure #xmllang #graph #identity-anon-resources #literal-subjects)

>Pat Hayes wrote:
>>  [...]
>>  First way:
>>  aaa integerproperty "200110"
>>  integerproperty rdfs:range xsd:integer
>>  second way (using Ntriples++)
>>  aaa someproperty _:node1:"200110"
>>  _:node1 rdf:type xsd:integer
>To clarify: is the second way above a shortcut for
>  aaa    someproperty _node1
>_node1  rdf:type      xsd:integer
>_node1  rdf:value    "200110"
>or it is something else?

Something else. It is supposed to be the following graph, which I 
will try to draw in ASCII-art: (please view in fixedwidthfont)


this requires a literal to be a subject, of course, but why not? 
Literals are real things, so why not let them have real property 

Of course if we had an 'inverse' of rdf:type then you could draw the 
second arc the other way around, as I think Graham suggested a while 
back. But you would still need to be able to label a nonblank node in 
the Ntriples form.



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Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2001 00:50:42 UTC