2001-10-12#2 - review rdfs-domain-and-range TCs

WRT 2001-10-12#2 - review the test cases in:


for issue:


1. test001.rdf - since RDFS:


 already allows a property to have more than one domain, it's not
 clear if this TC is designed to verify that or is intended to reflect
 a WG decision.  In either case the purpose of the test case should 
 be included in the file.  See attached test001.rdf

2. test002.rdf - looks OK.  I added a Description and defined
 some Classes for the values of the range properties.  See attached 

3. I don't understand TC's test003.rdf and test004.rdf are supposed
 to test so I don't approve them.

4. axioms.n3 - I propose that NO N3 files get approved at this point.

Attached are my re-workings of test00{1,2}.rdf and test00{1,2}.nt

Received on Monday, 15 October 2001 14:24:32 UTC