Re: NP completeness & rdf entailment, graph identity, MT etc.

On Monday, October 8, 2001, at 06:27  AM, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> This would mean - wait for it Aaron :) - that
> C:
> <uri> <pred> <uri2> .
> <uri> <pred> _:bnode .

* AaronSw pounces :-)

Oh dear, I sure hope my RDF parser doesn't start returning 
_that_ any time soon. We've built something of a layered 
architecture in RDF, and I want to keep it that way. I see no 
reason an RDF parser should have to believe in the RDF Model 
Theory. Instead, it should just spit out triples for a 
higher-level application to deal with. It should definitely not 
be allowed to start adding or deleting triples (unless 
specifically asked to by the application.

Facts like these should not be judged on the syntactic level, 
but with entailment facts (like our subPropertyOf testcases).

Anything else would begin to confuse our layers,
[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Monday, 8 October 2001 09:05:38 UTC