RE: New XPath Filter Transform

If we seperate out the issue of what sort of operation occurs (interset, 
substract, include-search-forward, etc.) and focus on the input, I'm still 
a little confused. Folks seems to have passed me by and agreed that the 
input nodeset is that of the *original* document.

John said:
  Please see the first paragraph of Section 3.3 "Input and
  Evaluation Context of Signature Filter Transform":
  "...The XPath evaluation context for the node-set will be:
  A context node equal to the root node of the document whose
  node-set was provided as input to this transform..."

Yes, and the input is the nodeset resulting from the previous step 
(dereferencing and parsing a URI, or the output of the previous transform). 
If the previous transform was a similar XPath transform, then that input 
from the previous step would be the:

  An inclusive filter is a signature filter transform whose output
  node-set contains only those nodes in the subtrees identified
  by a given XPath expression.
  An exclusive filter is a signature filter transform whose output
  node-set contains all nodes of a document except those nodes
  in the subtrees identified by a given XPath expression.

And consequently, if there was a "chain" of them, I'd expect what Gregor 
demonstrated [1]. What did I miss?



Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 16:36:49 UTC