Re: AW: Call for Implementation: Canonical XML Becomes a W3C Candidate Recommendation

At 11:22 11/3/2000 +0100, Gregor Karlinger wrote:
>Please fill in a "Y" in all fields of the matrix,

Ok, have done [1]

>* Example 4 does not result in the expected canonicalization, since the
>   XML parser used does not correctly normalize an attribute of type ID.

Ok, I presume the parser will be fixed or tweaked. (Note I believe both of 
these problems were encountered by Petteri as well [2].)

>* Example 7 only results in the expected canonicalization, if the test
>   file is modified in a way, that the example can be parsed using a
>   validating parser. Otherwise the id function in the document subset
>   selector XPath will not return any element.
>a question regarding example 7: Can I really expect from a non validating
>parser, that it recognizes the types of attributes, especially the type
>of ID attributes? If not, then an XPath using the id() function cannot be
>used for selecting a document subset to be canonicalized.

I'm not sure how this thread ended, did John's response [3] close the issue, 
are we still thinking, or actually disagreeing about adding "the remaining 
parts of the DTD, and additionally provide some textual description about 
this problem of using the id() function. [4]


Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2000 12:37:55 UTC