AW: Call for Implementation: Canonical XML Becomes a W3C Candidate Recommendation

> Hi Joseph,
> please add IAIK's implementation.
> I will give you a report what our implementation is conform with at the
> end of next week.


Please fill in a "Y" in all fields of the matrix, with the following 

* Example 4 does not result in the expected canonicalization, since the
  XML parser used does not correctly normalize an attribute of type ID.
* Example 7 only results in the expected canonicalization, if the test
  file is modified in a way, that the example can be parsed using a
  validating parser. Otherwise the id function in the document subset
  selector XPath will not return any element.


a question regarding example 7: Can I really expect from a non validating
parser, that it recognizes the types of attributes, especially the type 
of ID attributes? If not, then an XPath using the id() function cannot be
used for selecting a document subset to be canonicalized.

Regards, Gregor
Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Received on Friday, 3 November 2000 05:20:37 UTC