KeyInfo and KeyValue

Four comments:

1. I would feel happier if KeyInfo be defined in a separate spec

   a. KeyInfo can be used in other specs
   b. KeyInfo can be changed without affecting the signature spec

   XSL was split into XPath, XSLT, and XSL-FO with good results
   and I hope to see similar action taken with XML-DSIG.

2. XML-C14N spec's readability is rather lacking.  James Clark's
   original version was better in terms of readability.

3. XML-Schema definition for KeyValue is actually definition for

   This sort of silly mistakens should have been removed by
   Candidate Recommendation.

4. Interoperability test data package was unexpandable.

Overall, I am happy with what has been done so far.


Don Park

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2000 19:44:09 UTC