Re: minutes of 31 August 2000 Teleconference

Who/when is the action item on sending text to the list?

At 02:22 9/5/2000 -0400, Donald E. Eastlake 3rd wrote:
>RSA Signature Format:
>         URIs to identify wrapping of the Signature?
>         include OIDs?
>Inclusion of the algorithm OIDs within the secured
>potion of the signature is needed for security.  No one saw
>any reason to include plain text OIDs outside that area.
>The current specification that such an OID prefix is included
>should be dropped.
>Raw X.509 Cert Type:
>         The consensus on the call was that adding a RetrievalMethod
>Type for a binary X.509 certificate was a good idea.  It was
>also clarified that the Type should specify the type of the
>data AFTER application of the transforms.  So, for example, one
>could retrieve a plain Base 64 encoded certificate and use it
>with this type by providing a Base 64 decode transform.

Joseph Reagle Jr.
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2000 15:17:14 UTC