Reducing the scope of the purpose of the source property is good in
theory. However, this does not resolve the issue, because it only
discusses *theoretical* interoperability. To proceed to Draft Standard,
we need *actual interoperability*.


Are there two servers and two clients out there who have implemented the
source property already?  If so, we need to test them at the interop in
September or online.


Are there two servers and two clients who would implement and use the
source property in a form close to its current definition, but have not
done so yet? If so, what's blocking you from actually implementing it?
Is it that it is missing roles, or is something else required?


We can't have our cake and eat it too. We have to do the work of
implementing and testing interoperability if we want to keep source and
move to Draft Standard.




-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Crawford [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:26 PM
To: Julian Reschke
Cc: Clemm, Geoff; 'Webdav WG (E-mail)'


Okay... Julian, Geoff and Roy makes 3:0. Unless I hear some dissenting
opinions, it looks like we should make it clear in the spec that the
dav:source property is only serving a specific purpose (2, 3, and
possibly 4) and use beyond that is not interoperable.

Wow... we might actually resolve this issue this time. :-)


Phone: 914-784-7569,

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2002 17:15:26 UTC