Re: FW: RE: Does zope mess with the body in a GET?

Someone wrote:

> This is especially true regarding "templatish" objects that may 
> or may not be thought of as "content" depending on what you are 
> doing with them. I suspect that this is also an issue with ASP, PHP,
> et. al. too - it would be great to be able to manage these things 
> in a standards-based way, but currently DAV is very static-file 
> centric in its approach. I'm not knocking that - but it makes 
> the practical use of DAV pretty limited on sites that can't get
> by on just static files. I've been hoping that we can wrangle 
> the time to make some contributions in this area.

This situation has already been considered.  Section 5.4 of RFC 2518
(the webdav spec) is titled "Source Resources and Output Resources."

The content returned by zope would be considered the "output
resource."  Since it is dynamically generated, you shouldn't be able
to PUT the new content at all.  You need a separate URI to refer to
the source resource.

Frustrating, I know.  I am having to deal with the same issues, since
I'm modifying my HTML before its being sent out.  The best solution
I've come up with is to use another URI that is mapped directly to the

There's a way to link from the output resource to the source resource
on webdav compliant servers, I would check the above section of the
RFC for details.


Received on Monday, 15 November 1999 20:40:20 UTC