Re: fb: URIs?


> The point is, even using schemes like this internally can, indirectly, 
> divide the Web.  There's the Web of software that believes fb is first 
> unregistered, and then for fruitbaskets, and there is the web of software 
> that directs fb references to Facebook applications.  I don't think you 
> can have it both ways.  If fb is to be deployed, it should be registered, 
> I think.  If very many systems like iPhone follow this model, we're going 
> to have a big mess with tens or hundreds of thousands of schemes 
> registered for very limited purposes.

would it help at all to have X-... uri schemes that analogous to other 
named things on the internet by definition always would be local and 
context-specific? at least, somebody like facebook then could, if they 
wanted to, choose X-fb://... URIs and it would be clear that those were 
URIs which should be handled with care and in a certain context... it 
would be similar to tag:fb://... , which in an ideal world probably is 
what facebook should have done in the first place...



Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2010 00:04:50 UTC