- From: Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress <rden@loc.gov>
- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 10:49:14 -0400
- To: <uri@w3.org>
> I think everybody agrees that there's a lot of confusion about URI vs URL > vs URN, and also URI vs IRI, not to mention Web Adresseses or LEIRIs. Leaving aside URIs vs. URLs, and URIs vs. IRIs .... I'm sorry but people who are confused about URNs don't listen. URIs have schemes. Like 'http', you know? 'urn' is one of those. That's it, end of story for URN. Just venting because I get tired of hearing that people get confused about URNs. They wouldn't, if they would listen. --Ray
Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 14:49:51 UTC