Re: [hybi] [Uri-review] ws: and wss: schemes

Kristof Zelechovski wrote:
>  1.  The document "Converting New URI Schemes or URN Sub-Schemes to HTTP"
> [1] specifically addresses the use case where the custom URL is presented to
> a casual user. 

> Since there are no legitimate casual users of the Web
> Sockets protocol that is designed to be used by Web applications only,

I disagree.  ws:// URLs *will* be entered on web forms at some point,
you can count on it.

Someone will write a web form that says something like "Tell me the
address of a FOOCHAT server to begin your FOOCHAT session", expecting
a ws:// URL to be entered if WebSockets is the protocol to be used.

That's a legitimate use.

-- Jamie

Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 02:20:22 UTC