Re: [hybi] [Uri-review] ws: and wss: schemes

On Aug 9, 2009, at 6:52 PM, David Booth wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-08-07 at 21:30 -0400, Daniel R. Tobias wrote:
>> On 7 Aug 2009 at 9:16, David Booth wrote:
>>> Note that I am talking about the *scheme*, not the protocol.  In
>>> essence, a URI prefix such as "http://wss.example/" can be defined  
>>> that
>>> would serve the same purpose as a "wss:" scheme: an agent that
>>> recognizes this prefix will know to attempt the WSS protocol.
>> It seems like a bad idea to me, to have to build special exceptions
>> to how a user agent processes URIs, where the protocol specified in
>> the URI isn't actually the one that is used, based on "magic strings"
>> within other parts than the scheme.
> I can't see that as a significant issue, as there is only a trivial
> difference between dispatching based on the string prefix
> "http://wss.example/" and the string prefix "wss:".  Both are simple,
> constant strings and both are equally "magic": they cause agent to
> attempt the WSS protocol.

The difference is that "http://wss.example/" already has a meaning,  
which is not the intended one. Whereas "wss:" currently has no  
meaning. Thus the former has greater risk of either colliding with an  
existing resource, or being misinterpreted by a legacy client (instead  
of just rejected).


Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2009 00:24:26 UTC