RE: Question regarding RFC 3986, Section 3.2

>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On Behalf 
>Of John Cowan
>Sent: Friday, May 27, 2005 1:36 PM
>To: uri
>Subject: Re: Question regarding RFC 3986, Section 3.2
>Bruce Lilly scripsit:
>> Syntactically, yes.  An example would be about:// which is supported 
>> by some browsers, although "about"
>> is not currently a *registered* scheme.  And even the "//" is not 
>> necessary with all schemes (as with the example above; see 
>> "path-empty" in the syntax).
>Indeed, "about:" is recognized by Mozilla-based browsers but 
>"about://" is not (it is probably interpreted as an unknown 
>"about:" URI, attempts to go to which are ignored).  A list of 
>Mozilla-specific about: URIs can be found at 
> ; AFAIK only 
>about:blank is supported by IE.

Hey that's pretty neat.

Received on Friday, 27 May 2005 17:47:42 UTC