Re: Comments on draft-saintandre-xmpp-uri-04.txt

Hello Peter,

Just some late comments on very few points below.
The rest is progressing nicely.

At 16:19 04/09/07 -0500, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

>Hi Martin,
>Thank you for your further review of this document. Comments below.
>On Sun, Sep 05, 2004 at 08:52:39AM +0900, Martin Duerst wrote:

> > - I like the examples. It would probably be good to have some
> >   internationalization in the domain name part, too.
>Agreed. I will add this. Is there an internationalized domain that is
>reserved for use in IETF specifications (as,,
>and are reserved by RFC 2606)?


>I suppose I can simply use a TLD of .example as mentioned in RFC 2606.


> > - In 2.4.1, I think it might help readers to explain that the
> >   first few steps of "XMPP handling" are similar e.g. to HTTP
> >   authentication, whereas the later steps are similar to what
> >   happens e.g. in the case of a 'mailto:' scheme.
> >   [I hope I got this right; I think when I was asking in my
> >    previous comments about what's really going on, I was trying
> >    to find out how the stanza would be composed from data in
> >    the URI, but that's not what's happening, similar to the
> >    plain use of mailto:, where the user has to compose the
> >    message before actually sending the mail.]
>It strikes me that this is more appropriate for a document such as the
>promised XMPP Implementation Guidelines.

I guess I have to disagree on this one: An URI scheme definition
is not only a definition of syntax, but also a definition of
semantics. And helping the reader understand that is quite
relevant in the document at hand.

>Once I finish further text adjustments and add the internationalized
>domain names to the examples, I will submit a revised version of this
>specification to the Secretariat.

Looking forward to it.

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Tuesday, 28 September 2004 06:27:04 UTC