Re: file: URI scheme

Hi again.
I am wondering if the URI-FILE spec could also have something like the 
1)Implementations could be either a minor or major - major based on file 
rfc :-)
2)more info in relation to FQDN ?
3)more info in relation to URI paths for international versions
4)Perhaps a note for win users that '~' is unsafe 
file:///c/Program Files/
file:///c/Progra~1/ (Program~1 may not be Program Files)
(Ie3.0 also seems to have other 'unsafe' characters – thankfully its 
My arguments for the above are:
1)Current spec relates to a minor, as in only the 'local' file system is 
supported.  The current text is very long and somewhat relates more to 
?Netbios UNC path names? for windows.  Many Implementations have 
incorrectly used this spec in my view; and file looks like a 'circular' 
protocol that can appear anywhere in the stack to emulate the 'local' 
file system.  The result being that I can not find Implementations that 
have code to handle file – and this could indicate a minor version ?!?.
(I think this is where the voodoo uri magic could be listed with a reason 
for existence; like http:.. and $c)
2)By default and without a DNS NTserver my 95 hosts can not use :(
3)Would be interesting to see if "Program Files" is the same for Japanese 
users :-)
4)Current draft relates to characters, etc but the un-safe seems to have 
another meaning
No reply needed.
Kindest regards,
Jason Robinson 

Received on Sunday, 3 October 2004 01:32:02 UTC