Wikipedia URI entry - review, borrow ideas from?

Tired of me yet?

I am responsible for 99% of the content of the URI entry on Wikipedia:

When writing most of that article in January 2003, I felt it was
important to concisely summarize some concepts with more clarity than
RFC 2396 offers, and to counter some common confusion about what a URI
reference is and what it means to "resolve" one.

Please review it for accuracy, if you don't mind, and edit as necessary.
Feel free to borrow any of the text for your own purposes.

It is my hope that the new URI spec will at least try to educate its
readers on the difference between the two types of "resolution" with a
similar degree of clarity and terseness as I attempted to bring to the


Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 08:36:07 UTC