Re: Forms, mailto-URLs, and The Right Thing

Larry Masinter writes:

> There's now an internet draft on "mailto:" URLs. Please send comments on
> the draft to the I-D author and/or the URI working group list
> (
> Internet drafts are replicated widely. One URL is:

  This draft is a 'Good Thing' - its really easy to implement, and gives
document authors much more leeway in how the mail messages are formatted.
I just implemented it for Emacs-w3, so if anyone wants to play around with
the implementation, it will be in version 2.1.93, available sometime later
this evening or early tomorrow from

  There was no mention in the draft of a working implementation in another
browser - has anybody else put this in their browser yet?  I'll try to talk
chris wilson into putting it into SPRY Windows Mosaic tomorrow.

  One thing that might want to be mentioned is the interaction of this URL
and the 'POST' method of a form.  For the Emacs-w3 implementation, I had
the form data inserted into the mail message after any body data specified
in the mailserver: URL.

-Bill P.

Received on Sunday, 2 April 1995 15:17:16 UTC