Re: HTML and DOM LS normative and informative references

On Mon, Jun 24, 2019, at 14:35, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
>> Le 14/06/2019 à 21:36, Philippe Le Hégaret a écrit :
>> > with the recent W3C/WHATWG agreement and in the spirit of encouraging
>> > the community to use HTML and DOM LS, we need to ensure all upcoming W3C
>> > drafts to point to the HTML and DOM LS (it's required if you make a
>> > normative reference, strongly encourage if you make an informative
>> > reference).
>> > [...]
>> > 
>> > In the meantime, please, check your editor's drafts asap and expect the
>> > Director to check at transition times,

Would you want me to make the changes in Specref ?


Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2019 08:53:05 UTC