Working on New Styles for W3C Specifications

Dear Working Group Chairs,

As part of editorial work in the CSS and SVG Working Groups, I have started a specification styling project to improve the readability of our specifications. I have been working with Ben Schwarz, a designer and typographer with experience [1] in this area. I will also be working with Elika Etemad and Divya Manian on this effort. We have an Editor's Draft that illustrates the draft styles:
(select the 'additional spec. style toggle in the upper right).

and also:
(which uses the style by default).

If you are interested in providing feedback on the styles or wish to participate in this project, please contact me, otherwise no actions are required of your group. In a few months, in coordination with the W3C Comm Team, we will assess the feedback we receive and determine whether we should seek broader adoption of the styles.

Thank you,

Vincent Hardy


Received on Monday, 28 November 2011 16:52:56 UTC