Re: PNG trashes my mozilla and galeon browsers

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 19:01, Susan Lesch wrote:
> Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >   when i try to follow the new PNG link, my mozilla browser
> >under RH 9 gets killed.
> >
> >   when i try it using galeon, i get an error message complaining
> >about an ADOBE env variable not being set properly and, again,
> >galeon gets killed.
> >
> >   what on earth is behind that link?
> Thanks for the report and sorry you had problems. You might have an
> plug-in mis-matched to Mozilla (they changed plug-in architecture).
> I don't know about Galeon. I am sending a copy of this mail to Chris
> Lilley, Graphics Activity Lead, to see if he can help next week.
> In the meantime, if you wish, try removing any outdated "SVG" or "ASV"
> plug-ins. (I am assuming you are seeing these errors at this URI:

[This should be part of a FAQ since I think we'll get this
question a lot.]

We also published a PNG-only version of the spec that shouldn't
cause a crash:

The status section of either version points to the known
compatibility problem.

Sorry for the inconvenience; we are hoping this software
incompatibility will be fixed by the vendors.

 - Ian
Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Friday, 30 May 2003 19:07:28 UTC