Re: PNG trashes my mozilla and galeon browsers

Robert P. J. Day wrote:

>   when i try to follow the new PNG link, my mozilla browser
>under RH 9 gets killed.
>   when i try it using galeon, i get an error message complaining
>about an ADOBE env variable not being set properly and, again,
>galeon gets killed.
>   what on earth is behind that link?

Thanks for the report and sorry you had problems. You might have an
plug-in mis-matched to Mozilla (they changed plug-in architecture).
I don't know about Galeon. I am sending a copy of this mail to Chris
Lilley, Graphics Activity Lead, to see if he can help next week.

In the meantime, if you wish, try removing any outdated "SVG" or "ASV"
plug-ins. (I am assuming you are seeing these errors at this URI:

Susan Lesch                tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 30 May 2003 19:01:33 UTC