Re: Translations of classical RDF vocabularies

Fine, Chockalingam !

Which languages can you tackle ?
And which vacabulary are you interested in?

For me it's in fluency order: french, german, spanish, polish.

The project has been created here :

Please send me privately your user ID.

2014-06-21 19:07 GMT+02:00 Chockalingam <>:
> Dear Jean
> Please set up the Github for this and share the files and I will help with the translation in Other languages using Google translate.
> Regards
> Chockalingam
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 21, 2014, at 9:56 PM, Jean-Marc Vanel <> wrote:
>> I would be nice, for those vocabularies and ontologies that have only
>> rdfs:label and rdfs:comment in english, to have translations in other
>> languages.
>> I started by FOAF in french:
>> You may ask: "why bother do this?".
>> I see at least 2 use cases:
>> - for input form and display generated from the vocabulary, I18N
>> labels and tooltips are necessary
>> - for faceted search, I18N labels are useful
>> I used Google translate as a starting point.
>> When doing this, it's better to use the N-triples syntax; the G
>> translator would spoil the abbreviated URI's in Turtle.
>> If you want to contribute and translate other vocabularies ( not only
>> in french !),
>> we can set a github project;
>> and the most useful ones would be: Good Relations and,
>> SIOC, DOAP, Dublin Core.
>> --
>> Jean-Marc Vanel
>> Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
>> Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
>> +33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
>> Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel , @jmvanel_fr ; chat: irc://

Received on Saturday, 21 June 2014 17:43:41 UTC