SPARQL queries property or class from a schema

Dear all,

suppose we have DATA:

@prefix foaf:  <> .

_:a  foaf:name   "Johnny Lee Outlaw" .
_:a  foaf:mbox   <> .
_:b  foaf:name   "Peter Goodguy" .
_:b  foaf:mbox   <> .
_:c  foaf:mbox   <> .

can we write a SPARQL query like:

PREFIX foaf:   <>
SELECT *?property*

             ?x  foaf:*?property*  "Peter Goodguy".

if we can not, can we write an equivalent SPARQL query? Namely, can we
decompose schema and Class(or Property) in SPARQL query?


Received on Friday, 12 August 2011 16:41:04 UTC