Re: N3 and tools availability?

Danny Ayers wrote:

>On 3/30/06, Dave Reynolds <> wrote:
>>Patrick Petit wrote:
>Hi Patrick,
>>>I have read the N3 tutorial track with interest, especially the Rules
>>>and Formulae <> section.
>>>Now, can I run N3 rules in something else than cwm? I am interested in
>>>finding similar functionality in a Java framework like Jena, where
>>>variables inside rules could be retrieved by program as a result of say,
>>>the reading of a telemetry sensor.
>You probably noticed this already, but just for the record: many RDF
>toolkits support reading/writing the Turtle [1] subset of N3, the
>parts needed to describe RDF graphs.
Yes. I saw that. Thanks to all of you who send tools indications are 
It's not easy task for new comers to find out the right orientation as 
to what parts of the technology and tools are readily usable for 
practical and *standard compliant* applications. My take-over of this 
thread is that Turtle syntax and Sparql form the most stable basis for 
SW applications development. N3 rules is more bleeding-edge stuffs, not 
necessarily supported across the board expected by cwm, which in a sense 
is an N3 reference implementation. But, there is no guarantee it'll be 
retrofitted as is in the SW standards. Jena is interoperable with Turtle 
and Sparql and is a (the?) framework of choice for Java programmers. 
Though, it is not compatible with N3 rules but provide reasoner 
alternatives. Did I get this right?

Best regards,

>Many tools also support the SPARQL Query Language and RDF Protocol
>[2], which uses N3/Turtle-like syntax for graph patterns. Though not
>rules per se, it's CONSTRUCT [3] enables a bit of similar


Received on Thursday, 30 March 2006 11:10:33 UTC