Re: [tangle] getting the semweb exactly wrong

Henry Story wrote:
> On 4 Jan 2006, at 20:23, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>> On 4 Jan 2006, at 20:03, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>>> One answer is: don't!  The SemWeb is about conecting the data to 
>>> what it means.
>>> Keep the data in the place where it works and runs fast.
>>> Find/Write ontologies about what the data is about.
>>> Run a virtual RDF server (supporting SPARQL if a large DB) on top 
>>> of the data.
>>> publish the connection between the database columns and the 
>>> ontolgies.
>> I don't get this last bit. Why would someone know what database 
>> column a bit of data comes from? Isn't this an implementation 
>> detail that should better be hidden from consumers of the RDF?
> check out d2rq
> Any other tools that do the same?

Codd webizer [1][2] has a set of JDBC connectors and
is automatically treating collums as RDF properties

URIs like
are dereferenced as N3 triple sets


@prefix persons: <>.
@prefix papers: <>.
@prefix e: <>.

_:e3 e:tuple ( persons:FirstName persons:LastName papers:Title ).

( "Yolanda" "Gil" "Trusting Information Sources One Citizen at a Time" ) a 
( "Varun" "Ratnakar" "Trusting Information Sources One Citizen at a Time" 
) a _:e3.
( "Andreas" "Eberhart" "Automatic Generation of Java/SQL based Inference 
Engines from RDF Schema and RuleML" ) a _:e3.
( "Borys" "Omelayenko" "Integrating Vocabularies: Discovering and 
Representing Vocabulary Maps" ) a _:e3.
( "Andy" "Seaborne" "Three Implementations of SquishQL, a Simple RDF Query 
Language" ) a _:e3.
( "Alberto" "Reggiori" "Three Implementations of SquishQL, a Simple RDF 
Query Language" ) a _:e3.
( "Sonia" "Bergamaschi" "A Data Integration Framework for E-commerce 
Product Classification" ) a _:e3.
( "Francesco" "Guerra" "A Data Integration Framework for E-commerce 
Product Classification" ) a _:e3.

the rest is indeed conecting the data and
testing relationships between different datasets

Jos De Roo, AGFA


Received on Thursday, 5 January 2006 00:46:15 UTC