RE: GitHub ·qtspecs· Repository • Labels

Will prioritization be part of the initial issue labeling/triage effort, or are we initially simply categorizing issues, followed by some sort of collaborative evaluation and prioritization process?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Grün <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 3:34 AM
Subject: GitHub ·qtspecs· Repository • Labels


Dear all,

As proposed by Reece, we’ve assembled sets of labels that we believe should be added to the qtspecs repository in order to better organize the variety of existing and new issues:

• XPath: XML Path Language
• XQuery: XML Query Language
• XSLT: XSL Transformations
• XQFO: XPath and XQuery Functions and Operators

• P1: high priority
• P2: medium priority
• P3: low priority

• Editorial: Minor typos, wording clarification, example fixes, etc.
• Bug: Something that does not work with the current specification that needs updating, but which is more than just fixing a typo.
• Enhancement: Something that is not a new feature, but that modifies or improves on an existing feature (either existing in a published spec, or in a draft spec).
• Feature: Something that introduces new functionality to the language(s) or function library

• Accepted: Will be adopted and added to the specifications.
• Rejected: As decided in a weekly meeting. A short justification should be added in a final comment.

Trivia: The labels of a label set should be uniformly colored. The existing standard GitHub labels can be dropped.

Suggestions are welcome.


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 13:40:18 UTC