- From: Juan Carlos Cruellas <cruellas@ac.upc.edu>
- Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2007 14:51:45 +0200
- To: XMLSec <public-xmlsec-maintwg@w3.org>, Juan Carlos Cruellas <cruellas@ac.upc.edu>
Dear all, I have been looking at the canonical 1.1 version in http://www.w3.org/XML/2007/05/CR-xml-c14n11-20070509-diff.htm I understood that action 36 was to take a look to the examples in 3.7 and 3.8. I only have one point: the current text does not say in fact what processing is expected to be done with the expressions in the "Document Subset Expression": I assume that it is a xpath filtering as defined in XMLSig and then it seems to work...but I haven't seen anything. As I see we should be a bit more precise saying that what is canonicalized is actually the outcome of appliying the XPATH FILTERING AS DEFINED IN XMLSIG based on the expresion given in "Document Subset Expression" cells of the table, to the input document present in the "input Document" cells. As for the processing of the xml namespace attributes it seem OK to me.
Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 12:51:46 UTC