[Bug 4043] attribute/attZ015
[Bug 4047] DataTypes tests: discrepancies with minInclusive/maxInclusive
[Bug 4048] DataTypes tests: validity of anyURI values
[Bug 4049] DataTypes tests: QNames and length facets
[Bug 4052] DataTypes tests: hexBinary003
[Bug 4053] DataTypes tests: QName009
[Bug 4054] DataTypes tests: dtZ107447_a_2245
[Bug 4055] elemE001 - illegal regex
[Bug 4056] elemT026 - illegal xsi:type
[Bug 4057] elemZ006
[Bug 4057] elemZ006: referencing a namespace that has not been imported
[Bug 4058] elemZ028c - UPA violation
[Bug 4059] elemZ031 - system limits
[Bug 4060] IdentityConstraint test idH031 - complex type with simple content
[Bug 4061] IdentityConstraint test idL100: field selects more than one node
[Bug 4062] IdentityConstraint test idZ011: ID with fixed value
[Bug 4063] IdentityConstraint test idZ015: anySimpleType
[Bug 4064] stZ041 - simpleType with final=extension
[Bug 4065] stZ073b - deriving from a restricted union
[Bug 4066] wildZ010 - no permitted namespaces
[Bug 4067] ctG001: type subsumption and processContents
[Bug 4070] particlesOb001 et seq - invalid derivation for wildcards
[Bug 4071] particlesZ026 - duplicate attributes
[Bug 4075] particlesZ036 - tests fallback from implementation-defined limits
[Bug 4076] addB049: key with wider scope than keyref
[Bug 4077] addB078 - ID with fixed value
[Bug 4078] addB156 - schemaLocation after first use of namespace
[Bug 4112] Regex Test reG50
[Bug 4113] Microsoft Regex tests: reJnn.i instance tests
[Bug 4114] RegexTest_24
[Bug 4115] RegexTest_65
[Bug 4116] Regex tests using octal escape sequences
[Bug 4117] RegexTest_178
Bug tracking
Last message date: Sunday, 31 December 2006 19:25:29 UTC