Re: Example in 4.2 For-each

/ (Henry S. Thompson) was heard to say:
| I don't think this is quite right -- I think the lines marked | below
| need to be added:
|  <p:for-each name="chapters" select="//chapter">
|   <p:output port="html-results">
|     <p:pipe step="make-html" port="result"/>
|   </p:output>
|   <p:output port="fo-results">
|     <p:pipe step="make-fo" port="result"/>
|   </p:output>
|   <p:xslt name="make-html">
|     <p:input port="stylesheet">
|       <p:document href=""/>
|     </p:input>
|   </p:xslt>
|   <p:xslt name="make-fo">
| |   <p:input port="source">
| |     <p:pipe step="chapters" port="current"/>
| |   </p:input>
|     <p:input port="stylesheet">
|       <p:document href=""/>
|     </p:input>
|   </p:xslt>
|  </p:for-each>
| Or have I misunderstood the defaulting rules?

No, I think you're right, except that the name of the port is #current.
Which isn't an NCName...grrr. I wonder if just plain "current" would
be better.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | God, root, what is difference?" --Pitr,            | User Friendly; "God is more forgiving."
                              | -- Dave Aronson

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2007 14:34:58 UTC