Re: declare-step - atomic steps vs. empty pipelines

/ Vasil Rangelov <> was heard to say:
| I thought that steps and pipelines were unified thanks to this syntax.
| You should be able to have
| <p:declare-step type="test:my-atomic-step">
| That will only be evaluated if the pipeline processor doesn't have internal
| support for test:my-atomic-step already.

No, that would be a new feature (not in V1 :-)

| In this essence, an empty pipeline, and an empty step declaration are the
| same thing.

Empty pipelines are not allowed (per err:XS0027, for example).

| You don't need to declare or import extension steps for which the pipeline
| processor has internal support.

That's not true either. You must provide syntactic declarations for
all steps, even steps known to the processor.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | A hen is only an egg's way of making            | another egg.--Samuel Butler (II)

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 17:17:56 UTC