Minutes for XML Core WG telcon of 2008 June 4

/ Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> was heard to say:
| The XML Core WG met by phone on Wednesday, June 4.
| See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
| and other information.  If you have additions to the agenda, please
| email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.
| Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
| completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
| at the beginning of the call.

Chair: Norm
Regrets: Paul
Present: Daniel, Francois, John, Henry, Glenn, Norm, Richard, Konrad

| Agenda
| ======
| 1. Accepting the minutes from the last telcon [3] and
|    the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
|    or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).


| 2. Miscellaneous administrivia and document reviews.
| October Technical Plenary
| -------------------------
| The next Technical Plenary is scheduled for October in Cannes:
| http://www.w3.org/2008/10/TPAC/Overview.html
| We have tentatively decided to meet there.
| ---
| There is a last call for:
| 	CURIE Syntax 1.0
| 	A syntax for expressing Compact URIs
| 	http://www.w3.org/TR/curie
| Comments should be sent to www-html-editor@w3.org
| The review ending date is 10 June 2008.

Norm plans to review it. John did a review.

As long as you don't claim they're namespaces, we don't care what you
do in XML content.

Henry wonders about where they came down on alternate namespace
binding mechanisms for CURIE prefixes in XML languages.

Section 3 reveals "Such host languages MAY also provide additional
prefix mapping definition mechanisms."

Henry expresses concern that a user who sees an alternate mechanism
and then tries to use that mechanism for element and attribute names
will be confused.

John doesn't think it's a problem.

Henry: they still aren't clear on whether or not barenames are CURIES.
The schema data type doesn't allow it, but the BNF does.

Norm: Do we want to make a WG comment?

No, apparently not.

| 3.  C14N 1.1
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#c14n1.1
| The C14N 1.1 Recommendation has been published at
| http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-c14n11-20080502/

Konrad reports that there is an erratum in the last example.
He'll send mail to the comments list.

| 4.  XML 1.0
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml-errata
| The XML 1.0 5th Edition PER has been published at
|  http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/PER-xml-20080205/
| The PER period ended 16 May 2008. 
| We need to have at least three implementations that 
| pass the test suite for each of the errata that have 
| been newly applied to the 5th Edition. 
| Are there any implementations that have done this?
| ACTION to Glenn:  Check with Apache folks on status of
| implementing XML 1.0 5th Edition.


| ACTION to Henry:  Check with Microsoft on status of
| implementing XML 1.0 5th Edition.

Henry has reason to believe that they will eventually support it.

| ACTION to Richard:  Check with Henry about the test suite
| especially wrt 5th Ed tests.

Richard was to ask Henry. Henry reports that he updated the test suite
and ran a patched rxp over it. It passes.

Are there any additional tests needed? Perhaps a test about
version=1.7 documents.

If 5e is published, then a version=1.2 document could be rejected by
an XML 1.1 parser but accepted by an XML 1.0 parser.

Some discussion of rescinding XML 1.1. That would mean doing something
about prefix undeclaration.

ACTION to Norm: Check with the Sun folks on status of
implementing XML 1.0 5th edition.

| 5.  XML 1.1
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml1.1
| XML 1.1 2nd Edition published 2006 August 16:
|  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)
|  http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816
| 6.  XML Test Suite.
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml-test-suite
| Henry/Richard discussed some test suite issues raised by Frans Englich:
| http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-testsuite/2007Mar/ 
| ACTION: Richard to construct a test case for these issues.


| 7.  Namespaces in XML 1.0/1.1
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#ns1.0 and
| http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#ns1.1.
| 2nd Editions published 2006 August 16:
|  Namespaces in XML 1.0 (Second Edition)
|  http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-names-20060816
|  Namespaces in XML 1.1 (Second Edition)
|  http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-names11-20060816
| Richard has updated the NS PE doc at
| http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2001/05/proposed-xml-names-errata
| NPE28 Links to Attribute production are wrong 
| ---------------------------------------------
| Richard suggests this is editorial and easily fixed.
| NPE27 Prohibition of xmlns:x="" in 1.0 should be a Namespace Constraint 
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------
| NPE29 Uniqueness of attributes should be a Namespace Constraint 
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
| Richard notes that the spec already makes these points conformance
| issues even though they aren't call a constraint, so he isn't sure
| making them constraints is helpful, but we will continue to consider.
| For NPE27, Richard already agrees in email with Anne that the
| "may not" should become a 2119 "MUST NOT", so we should at least
| make that change, and Paul would feel better if we got the
| word "constraint" in here somehow.
| ACTION to Richard:  Update the NPE27 with some discussion/proposed
| resolution that at least fixes the "may not" and perhaps includes
| the word "constraint".

Richard proposes:

  We should add a namespace constraint to the Attribute production
  [15]. "NSC: No Prefix Undeclaring. In a namespace declaration for a
  prefix (i.e where the NSAttName is a PrefixedAttName), the attribute
  value *must not* be empty".

But observes that this won't be relevant if we rescind XML 1.1.

| HT and Richard have noted another NS 1.0 PE, NPE30:
| http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/2001/05/proposed-xml-names-errata.html#NPE30

Richard reports its straightforward but also irrelevant if we update
Namespaces in 1.0 to be like Namespaces in 1.1.

| 8.  LEIRIs
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#leiri
| Martin's latest IRI draft (defining LEIRIs in section 7) is at 
| http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-duerst-iri-bis-02.txt
| Paul's summary of what comes next spec-by-spec is at
| http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-core-wg/2007Dec/0045
| ACTION to Henry:  Do some pinging about the schedule of IRI bis.


| 9.  XML Base 2nd Edition 2nd PER
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xml-base
| The (second) XML Base (Second Edition) PER has been published at
| http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/PER-xmlbase-20080320/
| and announced at
| http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2008JanMar/0112
| The XML Base PER review period ends 30 June 2008.

Richard reports that there haven't been any comments yet.

| 10.  XLink update.
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xlink1.1
| The earlier XLink CR was published at
| http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-xlink11-20060328/ 
| The XLink 1.1 LC was published at
| http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-xlink11-20080331/
| and announced at
| http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-core-wg/2008Apr/0006
| The LC review period ended 16 May 2008.
| Norm has prepared a DoC at 
| http://www.w3.org/XML/2008/05/xlinklc/
| ACTION to Henry and Norm:  Figure out how to get the XSD for
| XLink at an accessible URI.


| ACTION to Henry:  Compare the XSD for XLink at 
| http://schemas.opengis.net/xlink/1.0.0/xlinks.xsd
| with that in the XLink spec.


| 11.  XInclude 3rd Edition
| See also http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xinclude
| XInclude 2nd Edition is at:
| http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xinclude-20061115
| See http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#xinclude for
| LEIRI-related changes for the 3rd Edition.
| ACTION to Daniel: Produce a PER-ready draft of XInclude 3rd Ed
| with appropriate references to the IRI RFC for LEIRIs.


| [1] http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core
| [2] http://www.w3.org/XML/Group/Core#tasks
| [3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-core-wg/2008May/0013.html

Any other business?

Konrad notes that the XML Security WG will come into existance this summer,
please join if you're interested:


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | We look back on our life as a thing of
http://nwalsh.com/            | broken pieces, because our mistakes and
                              | failures are always the first to strike
                              | us, and outweigh in our imagination
                              | what we have accomplished and
                              | attained.-- Goethe

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2008 15:41:24 UTC