Re: Ontology documentation (Graphics)

Hi Laurent,

Here goes an updated version of the figures including all the entities 
described in the ontology.

At the end, I managed to get 3 figures:

.- One with almost all the ontology modules linked.
.- Another with the measurement, survival and operating properties (the 
part missing in the previous figure)
.- One with the alignment of concepts to the DUL ontology.

Any comment is welcome.

Now I will try to write some explanatory text for the report.

Kind regards,

El 17/09/10 15:48, escribió:
> Hi Raul,
> Thanks again for your slides, this was really useful because I think you found the right level of detail for the presentation of the SSN ontology structure to newcomers.
> You know that since you sent them, the ontology as changed (alignment to DOLCE Ultra lite). Since then, I have published the figures directly generated out of the OWL file on the wiki. But I have found that working simultaneously with PowerPoint and with the COE drawings is quite useful because matching the two results is a good way to check that what is in the ontology corresponds to what you expect it to be.
> So here is my revised version of your slides which I think is closer to what's in the current version of the ontology, especially for the 1st figure which represents the alignment to DUL.
> See also the "corresponding" COE schemas recently uploaded:
> Cheers
> Laurent
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raúl García Castro []
> Sent: Thursday, 26 August 2010 3:29 AM
> To: Lefort, Laurent (ICT Centre, Acton)
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Ontology documentation (Graphics)
> Hi everyone,
> I am usually not in favour of using any tool for generating ontology
> graphics. Mainly because I don't know of any that produces them with
> enough quality and provides flexibility to show only what you want to show.
> Therefore, I always end up using some drawing program to make the graphics.
> I attach a graphical visualization in Powerpoint of the current version
> of the SSN ontology as an alternative visualization to that produced by
> the COE tool.
> In the graphics I have included the ontology modules, but they can be
> removed. Besides, different images could be created for each part of the
> ontology just selecting the relevant ontology components.
> The format and the way of representing things is totally open for
> discussion, of course. I just wanted to propose an alternative to the
> current graphics.
> The good thing with this approach is that, once we have this first
> version of the graphics, future changes in the ontology can be easily
> implemented. Unless there are major changes in the ontology, the effort
> to update the graphics could be similar to that of the
> modularization+graph-generation process described below.
> What do you think?
> P.S. In the ontology file (and propagated to the documentation of the
> ontology) there are some repeated classes: DetectionLimit, Drift,
> Precision, ResponseTime, and Selectivity.
> El 25/08/10 13:17, escribió:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks to Payam for sending his attempt to render the ontology using
>> OntoGraf.
>> It confirmed what I suspected which is that it is not possible to get
>> good graphics without reducing the ontology to the aimed subset.
>> I have managed to use the segmentation (modularisation) program
>> developed by Julian Seidenberg<>  (CO-ODE project,
>> University of Manchester)
>> If you want to use SegmentationApp.jar, it is available here:
>> (the trick is to add an xml:base declaration if it's missing and to
>> strip the URI prefixes of the classes to get a file with
>> rdf:about="#Something" names for the RDF resources)
>> Then I have generated (and tweaked) the figures with COE
>> and put them in the pages where the
>> ontology documentation should be placed eventually.
>> The pages for the different sections/modules are listed in this table:
>> (
>> If you want a list of all the figures I've made, then the most
>> convenient page to access them is:
>> (It's also useful if you want to know if a file has been updated recently).
>> Cheers
>> Laurent
>> PS: the names of the files correspond to the list of classes used to run
>> the segmentation application (I also put some comments when I uploaded
>> the file).


Dr. Raúl García Castro

Ontology Engineering Group (
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Campus de Montegancedo, s/n - Boadilla del Monte - 28660 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 336 36 70 - Fax: +34 91 352 48 19

Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2010 14:52:20 UTC