RE: Music Notation on the Web

My Band in a Box user does not make any modifications to the score that I am
aware of, but I suppose he could be an exception.
Anyway, Roger has now clarified what he is looking for, and it seems clear
MIDI isn't his answer, which is all I was trying to determine.
Tom White


From: []
On Behalf Of Michael Good
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: Music Notation on the Web

Hi Tom,
> I don't think that is true... to my knowledge all DAWs and al Digital
Pianos with on-screen notation can display notation from plain old MIDI
files. No extensions or additional private data is needed.
Sure - most notation editors will display notation from MIDI files as well.
But the results are lossy and need to be modified for any use case. Your
Band-in-a-Box user, for instance, will need to add chord symbols, and
sometimes adjust the pitches and rhythms. Those modifications need to be
stored with extra data that is not present in the Standard MIDI Files spec
and recommended practices. 
Best regards,
Michael Good
Recordare LLC

Received on Monday, 13 December 2010 19:18:10 UTC